
Last night, I had the wildest dream that’s been on replay in my mind all day. Picture this: I’m smack dab in the middle of a busy city street, surrounded by the usual hustle and bustle. But then, there she was—a woman, gazing up at the sky like it held all the answers. And guess...
A few key insights from this week at #SXSW 🌷 1️⃣ We are going to produce 100 years of progress in the next 5 years. Thirty paces linearly will get us to the other side of the room. Thirty paces exponentially will land us on the moon. #ThinkExponentially 2️⃣ AI is either biased or woke/overcorrected. If you have...
Disability Pride month is every day for this household. Every day we think about what it would be like to have two hands, two elbows, to not be called out by other kids who are just curious (after all, it’s “different” right?) Every day we get inside of our heads and try to rationalize how...
This is a manifesto for all abilities. Disability is not a lack of ability. Inclusion means being included and accepted no matter the differences. Innovation is a responsibility. We can’t pause to observe, we must feel, act and become in the making. I’m on a mission to redefine what strength looks like. With a background...
It’s a natural order in the sciences, embedded in our most primitive instincts, to follow and to lead. Mumford (1906) states, “It [leadership] arises wherever there are interactions of individuals or of groups, no matter what may be the purpose or aims of these interactions.” Leaders are those who lead people with an ultimate vision....
Our group of engineers, designers, and reproductive scientists contemplate a future when humans are engineered. In this edition of DxFutures, we explored the implications of genetic engineering and artificial wombs on society in a room filled with leading biomedical engineers, scientists, and designers. We talked about birth, life, love and death — the full human...
What do you think when you see a homeless person on the streets? The ongoing debate on the topic of homelessness diverges into two lines of interpretation: (1) individual interpretation and (2) structural interpretation. As a society, especially from the sociocultural point of view, Americans put great emphasis on independency. This highlights the debate between the differing groups...
It starts with the Brain❤ When I was 12 years old, I had Meningitis. The doctors told me that if I came three hours later to the ER, the chances of me being brain dead or paralyzed were about 90%. What was supposed to be a vacation to Florida, ended up as a nightmare. My dad...
So you’ve had your eureka moment, having dreamt up a revelatory, subversive idea to leave your mark in the world. You realize this vision is best materialized as a mobile or web product, and in front of you, the path of decisions diverges a thousand times of what to do next. Here’s one of the...
An understanding on ‘hub culture’ — how it can change your outlook on trends and strategies. Knowledge and managing cultural dimensions are the most important assets a company should leverage. As our macro environment becomes more complex, both large corporate and local companies will at some point have to manage cultural transactions in order to make their...

Recent Articles

SXSW Key Takeaways 2024 🌷
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#DisabilityPrideMonth Superheroes
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Small Meet Large Manifesto
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We write early in the morning with our coffees, post Zooms with our wine, but rest assured, we have research to walk the talk.

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